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The hurricane season can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. As responsible residents, it is crucial to be well-prepared for any potential impact. One of the most effective ways to ensure your family’s safety is by creating a hurricane kit. In this blog post, we will provide you with a detailed guide on how to make a hurricane kit.
Start by gathering all essential documents and keeping them in a waterproof and easily accessible container. These documents should include personal identification, insurance policies, medical records, proof of address, and any other important legal or financial documents. Consider making digital copies and storing them in a secure online location as well.
Emergency Supplies:
Assemble a well-stocked supply of emergency items for at least three days. Some key supplies to include are: a. Non-perishable Food: Stock up on canned goods, dry food items, energy bars, and snacks. Make sure that you have a manual can opener because that electric or battery-operated model is not going to do you much good. b. Water: Store at least one gallon of water per person per day, with a minimum of a three-day supply. Remember to include water for pets as well. Do NOT wait until the last minute to get your water. As any good Floridian like me knows, this is a huge mistake. Get your water BEFORE the weather gets bad, go on a nice, sunny day. c. Medications and First Aid: Keep a supply of essential medications, along with a well-equipped first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic ointments, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medication. d. Batteries and Flashlights: Pack extra batteries for flashlights, lanterns, and portable radios. Opt for LED lights that are energy-efficient and long-lasting. When you think you have plenty, go pick up three more packs. e. Portable Radio: Include a battery-powered or hand-cranked radio to stay updated on the latest weather information and emergency alerts. f. Personal Hygiene Items: Pack toiletries, toilet paper, moist towels, and hand sanitizer. Your neighbors will run out, be kind and grab some extra. g. Extra Clothing and Bedding: Include warm clothing, blankets, and sleeping bags to ensure comfort. It could be really cold, or really warm. Plan for both.
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Safety and Protective Gear:
Be prepared for potential hazards: a. Hurricane Shutters and Plywood: If your home has hurricane shutters, make sure they are in good working condition. If not, consider purchasing plywood in advance to secure windows and doors. Do not wait until the last minute to check. Go outside this weekend and take a look. b. Tools and Equipment: Keep basic tools such as wrenches, pliers, a utility knife, duct tape, and a whistle for signaling. c. Personal Protective Equipment: Include items such as dust masks, work gloves, and goggles. d. Emergency Cash: Keep a small amount of cash in case ATMs and electronic payment systems become inaccessible.
Make sure you have a full tank of gas and, again, do not wait until the last minute to do so. If you are visiting a coastal area and you are here during a hurricane warning the lines at the pump are epic. Please do not become part of the problem, plan ahead.
Communication and Contact Information:
In a disaster situation, communication is key. Make sure you have: a. Cell Phone and Chargers: Fully charge your cell phone and consider investing in portable chargers or a car charger. b. Important Contacts: Compile a list of emergency contacts, including family members, neighbors, and insurance providers. Store both physical and digital copies. c. Whistle or Air Horn: These items can help attract attention if you need to be rescued.
This week is a great week to pick up your supplies either in person or online at Amazon. We like to store our supplies in a marked plastic tote but you could use a cooler or backpack if that works for you. We also stock ours with puzzles and games, and special snacks that we can look forward to if we have to open the hurricane kit that helps us to diffuse the tension. Building a hurricane kit can be fun, but more importantly, it’s something that we need to do every June to make sure we are ready for the season ahead.